Tuesday, May 09, 2006

more wedding outfit mania

okay. I fixed the blog so it doesn't look so weird. as an update on the whole wedding-outfit-drama, which I KNOW has you all on the edge of your seats, I spent a good two hours online today looking for the perfect earrings. The perfect earrings would, hypothetically, fulfill the following criteria:
1) include both silver and gold
2) be lightweight
3) cost less than $30
4) arrive by friday
5) include the motif of the LILY in some way

Surprisingly, I actually found good candidates:



Unfortuately, shopping online at this point is all kind of a waste of time anyway, because to get things friday I'd almost certainly have to do overnight shipping, which costs, oh, about a zillion dollars.

I have yet another idea about this outfit, which is that it would be nice to have some yellow ribbon for my hair, or maybe yellow cord, in a kind of headband with two strings, except pinned down. But I might not be able to deal with finding it.

Random weirdness: apparently health insurance has specifications like: "must be 64 3/4 years or younger." Apparently when I counted those "7 3/4" when I was seven, it really meant something.

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