Tuesday, February 28, 2006

they don't work

a lot of my possessions, that is. and things in my life. you'll see what I mean in a minute. it's amazing how in just a few short months without your parents buying everything for you, it all starts to go to pieces.

things that don't work/need to be replaced:

my car cd player.
status: doesn't exist, as was stolen in january.

my ipod.
status: won't turn on.

my tiffany teardrop necklace.
status: chain broken by blundering roommate.

my laptop.
status: freezes, fails to connect to the internet, and is generally fucked up. "a" key popped off and won't go back on.

my glasses.
status: prescription 4+ years old. cracking around edges.

my futon/bed.
status: it has been pointed out to me that my futon is not in fact a bed, so much as a large pillow, which now has a huge Maia-dent in it, perhaps even bigger than the famed Bender dent.

my favorite pink sweater stolen from ex-girlfriend.
status: enormous hole in elbow.

all of my flats and kitten heels.
status: broken and repaired with superglue; stretched out and too big; battered and too small; too small to begin with but i was stubborn as they were on sale. i think that accounts for all of them.

favorite blue suede bag from oxford.
status: so dirty that my friends that don't even care about fashion comment on it.

my haircut.
status: grown out. bangs doing freakish weird things.

favorite corduroy (sp?) skirt from urban outfitters.
status: bleach spots from cleaning roommates running amok.

my parking permit.
status: expired c-permit.

my cell phone.
status: top bar of screen doesn't work; battered. fully admit that this is my own fault for losing temper and throwing cell phone. (more than once).

my digestive tract.
status: perpetually nauseated. plus i keep getting the hiccups.

so there you have it. now, i would like to point out that despite my complaints, i do realize i live a luxurious lifestyle compared to like the majority of the world and all of history etc. but it would still be nice to have my stuff work.

luckily, since it seeems like the whole someone-stopping-me-on-the-street-to-tell-me-that-i-look-like-a-wonderful-person-and-therefore-they-are-going-to-give-me-a-million-dollars thing isn't working out, i do have a new job in addition to my job at ihum, as an sat tutor! yay new job! yay extra money! boo seven hour trainings after work! but whatever. i'm quite excited. also i plan to go home to seattle for the weekend (first alert for any of you few people left in seattle who might read my blog and want to see me). . . and maybe (maybe) I can get something out of my parents. like a new pair of shoes.


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