I find this so hilarious that even though I'm totally ripping it off someone else's blog entry (emkettering.blogspot.com--Emily, this just makes me laugh and laugh, I don't know why) I had to put up a link to it.
Abstinence Outlet
Apparently I will be bringing virtually nothing to my future husband: Abstinence Rose Pin.
I should probably also get myself one of these mugs. To quote: "God grant me the patience to pass up the men I may want but should not have" (whoops, have totally failed there) "the courage to meet those I may not want but should get to know" (doesn't that strike you as a little bit sinister? Like, doesn't that suggest that the man you 'should' be with is probably kind of . . . unappealing?) "and the wisdom to know the difference."
Finally, there's the STD puzzle. It cracked me up.
Okay, as a disclaimer, I'm not trying to be *against* abstinence here, I really don't want to offend anyone. It's totally about people own choices, and what am I to say one way or another? People should do what they think is right. And really, there's way too much pressure on people to have sex in our society--I definitely feel like that kind of pressure isn't very healthy. But still, what can I say? This is just too much.
My future husband is definitely getting a bare stem.
And, uh, what's the male equivalent? Your chastity is like... um... a brand new Playstation, and each time you engage in premarital sex, your Playstation gets more worn out. Don't give your future wife a crappy broken Playstation?
That's the best I can come up with.
Being a former graduate student (more like an undead one, to tell the truth), I went straight to the "Bargains" page and found these rulers. Oh now that was devious of them. What exactly is one supposed to be measuring here? Hmmm...? Do they come as a pair, so if you're lucky you use both? But there's the message, at a moment when you really don't want to see it. But what really is the message? Are you being encouraged to have your act "alone"? And note the placement of the male/female symbols: the more you measure the more of a man you are. And if you measure short you're really a girl.
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