Wednesday, March 29, 2006

when did i go wrong?

discussion with my advisor re: uc irvine:
me: "irvine is kind of strange."
advisor: "maia, i haven't told you this before. . . but you're strange."

my monday morning:
get up, go to work, walk out of work to call my advisor, walk into the slavic department to use the bathroom, have altercation with administrator over whether i'm permitted to use bathroom, walk out in disgust, kick wall, break foot.

well, jason doesn't think my foot is broken, he thinks my ankle is sprained. but i don't understand that if i have a sprained ankle, why my foot is the thing that hurts. maybe i have a sprained foot? and i can't even figure out where to go to the doctor. i'm not sure whether my greatest fear is being incapacitated for weeks, or never being able to wear heels again.

don't kick walls in sparkly shoes that didn't even fit in the first place. it's stupid.


Bill said...
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Bill said...

[Oops… Ignore inadvertent removal of previous comment. This is what is was.]

I think your advisor's right (thank God). And that's a good thing. A very good thing.

<naggingAndUnAskedForAdvice> It may be stupid to kick walls with sparkly shoes that don't fit, but it's stupider not to get a broken foot fixed. Those things have lots of small, fragile moving parts, all of which have to work properly together. I don't think this has anything to do with your ankle. Would you please see a doctor? </naggingAndUnAskedForAdvice>>

Marie said...



Did I mention you should GO TO THE DOCTOR?