An Admissions Timeline:
3:00 PM: Return from Tahoe and start working
9:00 PM: Plug in ipod to laptop. Laptop freezes.
9:03 PM: Laptop will not unfreeze.
9:09 PM: Laptop is shut down. Laptop will not start up again.
9:30 PM: Laptop has miracle revival. I backup all admissions files.
10:00 AM: Roomates pack. I leave for work.
12:00 PM: Anxiety attack. Return home from work.
1:00 PM: Busily playing Kameo on the X-Box.
4:40 PM: Laptop will not turn on. Laptop has OFFICIALLY DIED.
5:00 PM: Use Jason's spare laptop. But will not connect to my printer.
5:10 PM: Will not connect to Jason's printer.
5:30 PM: Jason's desktop DOES NOT HAVE A WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM! Conclusion: out of four computers and two printers in the house, it is impossible for me to print out my writing sample.
7:00 PM: Editing writing sample based on Rovee's notes.
11:30 PM: Print out writing sample at my Uncle's house.
12:30 PM: Head for FedEx Kinkos.
1:00 AM: Spent $60 sending applications to Berkeley, Penn, and Rutgers
9:30 AM: I wake up and go to Jason's computer to email IHUM to say that I won't be coming in.
10:00 AM: Application #1 sent in (online).
10:30 AM: Application #2 sent in.
11:00 AM: Application #3 sent in.
11:30 AM: Application #4 sent in.
11:45 AM: Realize that UWisconsin's due date is also the 15th!!!
12:00 PM: I look at my writing sample as I put it into an envelope, and realize there is a MISPLACED COMMA IN MY FIRST SENTENCE!!!
12:01 PM: I freak out.
12:01:30 PM: I call Elizabeth to see if she thinks FedEx will let me get back into my mailing to eliminate evil comma.
12:30 PM: Leave Partridge and drive to California Ave.
12:45 PM: Can't find parking spot anywhere. Have car-driving anxiety attack.
12:58 PM: Pull over to the side of the road.
1:00 PM: Low point of the day. Sitting on sidewalk sobbing as passerby stare. One woman asks if I'm all right, to which I look up and smile and say, "oh, I'm fine. Don't worry."
1:10 PM: EXTREMELY NICE old man lets me do what most be the most anal-retentive thing I've ever done, finding the FedEx envelopes to be sent out and opening them up for me, letting me white-out the offending comma in the three writing samples.
1:11 PM: He helps another customer as I work on this.
1:12 PM: He looks at me as I finish and asks how i'm doing. "Doing all right?"
1:17 PM: FedExes successfully taken care of. Make copies of writing sample for next batch. . .
12:30 PM: I give in and call ETS to get my Literature GRE scores. Horrible tension: Will my scores be abysmal? Will I remember my SSN? Will someone from work walk in my office at the critical moment? Will my cell reception cut out right after I enter my credit card #?
12:31 PM: The recorded message drones on and my hands start shaking.
12:32 PM: I get my scores! And they are. . . good? Bad? All of a sudden it all becomes relative and I start googling "literature gre scores" to figure out if they're good or not. According to the UCSB website, they take people with a percentage over 85. . . right about where I am. . . I guess it's decent then. . . I try to calm down.
12:37 PM: Since I have no work to do and everyone's in a meeting, I start posting on my blog.
Sorry, this has got to be the most boring post ever to anyone but me. But I don't really think anyone reads my posts anyway.
1 comment:
OMG, that sounds like the most stressful thing ever, and I will call and commiserate after I get my last final out of the way... take care!
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