Sunday, September 25, 2005


I think I'm getting sick. I don't feel that bad, except that I can hardly talk. . . you know how that is when you wake up in the morning, thinking everything is more or less fine, and then you open your mouth and nothing comes out?

The highlight of the weekend was the stop to Cost Plus on the way back from an excursion to Half Moon Bay for firewood with Jason, Dan, and Karen Sarah--who knew they had amazing jewelery? I think I've looked at it before, but it was really good this time, so I got two pairs of earrings, one amethyst colored and the other a dark green, which are like, two of my favorite colors for jewelery ever since I was fourteen. When I was fourteen I was in the design-dresses-for-fantasy-characters phase, and I went especially for the purples and greens as well.

Oh--in more important news, i talked to Rovee about where to apply to grad school, so i think the list is looking something like this:

Princeton (good people; rovee went there. the Bird will have to tell me how it is.)
Penn (don't know that much about it, but it's on the east coast)
Berkeley (I want out of Calif!!)
Harvard (rovee says they're all full of themselves. but everyone says that. could i be full of myself too?)
UCLA (if i move to LA, I'm going to become a film director, not an english professor)
Virginia (i hear it's in the middle of nowhere?)
U of Colorado (Boulder) (sounds cool, but can't apply for PhD till have masters!! WTF???)
Indiana (Bloomington) (I think i slept through indiana. wait, did we drive through indiana? indiana??)
Michigan (Ann Arbor) (dunno. could be cool).
Wisconsin (Madison) (cold?)
Brown (don't know much about the program, but rhode island could be cool)
Rutgers (I don't even know where that is)
NYU (hm. is it a good program?)
UCSB (good? but again, cali problem)
UC Irvine (right. whatever.)

As you can see, I have some doubts.

And I really need to be working on the fucking things. ergh.


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