Monday, January 08, 2007


I swear I am living in a parallel universe.

I haven't liked summer mornings since I was twelve, when I was on a swim team and had to get up and get into a cold pool every morning it was sunny. Some people like a cold pool in the morning, but not me. I'm a terrible swimmer. I don't know why I didn't quit--I told my mom this years later, how much I hated being on swim team, and she asked me, "why did you go, then?" and I can't say. What I would do is watch the weather channel every evening, praying for some rain in the next week or so, because that would mean swim practice would be cancelled. Also, maybe I would have liked swim team more if my best friend had done it with me as planned, but instead she
went to England for a month with her parents.

What this all means now is that 1) I want to move to England (and have been envious of people from or visiting England since then) and 2) I don't like summer mornings.

I just got this adorable new MacBook over break, and those of you who know Macs know it has this feature, the Dashboard, where you can set up odd useful things to be handy, like a calculator or a notepad, flight tracker, calendar, etc. Or weather reports.

It's currently 82 degrees in Irvine.

59 degrees in Menlo Park. Ok, makes sense. . . 41 and raining in Edmonds.

82 degrees???? It's fucking JANUARY. I like being warm. . . but seriously? This is kind of not okay. As I said. I'm living in a parallel universe.

Oh, my goodness.

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