Wednesday, November 29, 2006


so, i'm doing some really lame googlestalking/procrastinating (i.e. googling someone who i think *might* be the girlfriend of someone who i'm only vaguely wondering if is single), and, of course coming up with nothing interesting or definitive, i turn to really *really* lame googlestalking/procrastinating, which is, of course, googling oneself. and this is what i found (other than my profile, which also kind of weirds me out that it comes up but i'm probably not going to bother to try to change my privacy settings or whatever):

Web page

which links to this:

My graduation?!

which, i guess, is fine. . . but kind of freaked me out for a moment. especially. . . well, what is all the nonsense language about??

1 comment:

Marie said...

Lorem ipsum dolor is classic website placeholder text... you just paste it in until you think of something to write.

And yes, that is a bit creepy.

Oh, and I swear I will return your call at come point... paper Sunday and final Monday though, so not today.