Tuesday, February 28, 2006

they don't work

a lot of my possessions, that is. and things in my life. you'll see what I mean in a minute. it's amazing how in just a few short months without your parents buying everything for you, it all starts to go to pieces.

things that don't work/need to be replaced:

my car cd player.
status: doesn't exist, as was stolen in january.

my ipod.
status: won't turn on.

my tiffany teardrop necklace.
status: chain broken by blundering roommate.

my laptop.
status: freezes, fails to connect to the internet, and is generally fucked up. "a" key popped off and won't go back on.

my glasses.
status: prescription 4+ years old. cracking around edges.

my futon/bed.
status: it has been pointed out to me that my futon is not in fact a bed, so much as a large pillow, which now has a huge Maia-dent in it, perhaps even bigger than the famed Bender dent.

my favorite pink sweater stolen from ex-girlfriend.
status: enormous hole in elbow.

all of my flats and kitten heels.
status: broken and repaired with superglue; stretched out and too big; battered and too small; too small to begin with but i was stubborn as they were on sale. i think that accounts for all of them.

favorite blue suede bag from oxford.
status: so dirty that my friends that don't even care about fashion comment on it.

my haircut.
status: grown out. bangs doing freakish weird things.

favorite corduroy (sp?) skirt from urban outfitters.
status: bleach spots from cleaning roommates running amok.

my parking permit.
status: expired c-permit.

my cell phone.
status: top bar of screen doesn't work; battered. fully admit that this is my own fault for losing temper and throwing cell phone. (more than once).

my digestive tract.
status: perpetually nauseated. plus i keep getting the hiccups.

so there you have it. now, i would like to point out that despite my complaints, i do realize i live a luxurious lifestyle compared to like the majority of the world and all of history etc. but it would still be nice to have my stuff work.

luckily, since it seeems like the whole someone-stopping-me-on-the-street-to-tell-me-that-i-look-like-a-wonderful-person-and-therefore-they-are-going-to-give-me-a-million-dollars thing isn't working out, i do have a new job in addition to my job at ihum, as an sat tutor! yay new job! yay extra money! boo seven hour trainings after work! but whatever. i'm quite excited. also i plan to go home to seattle for the weekend (first alert for any of you few people left in seattle who might read my blog and want to see me). . . and maybe (maybe) I can get something out of my parents. like a new pair of shoes.


Friday, February 17, 2006

babies, but not born yet

Jason's on ob-gyn for the next month or so, and if you've talked to me in the last 24 hours you know that I am now living in a state of absolute horror and disgust at the idea of having a baby. He didn't even tell us that much--all he had to do was talk about how loudly the women scream and I just wanted to go into the bathroom and throw up. No, I'm not pregnant. But I am extremely appalled and offended at 1) Life; 2) Modern medicine; 3) My entire physical existence. Why?
1) Why are people built in such a generally crappy way? It seems like women's bodies are incredibly stupidly and inconveniently designed. It's enough to make me want to dispose of mine right now, except that there are all sorts of stupid personal identity issues with that.
2) Why, if we can do crazy things like transplant people's hearts, can't childbirth be painless, and people be easily restored to their former proper state?

Other fears about having children:
1) What if your child is the spawn of the devil and sucks away your lifeblood? (I told this to Nick and he asked if I'd sleep with the devil and I said probably not. But isn't half the point that you wouldn't know it was the devil at the time, or that you'd be unable to prevent it from happening?).
2) What if it's not a child at all, but some horrible beast-like thing growing inside you?
3) What if it turns out that you were sharing your body with a future mass-murderer?

What this all tells me is that if I ever DO want to have children, I should probably stop studying the Gothic.

Friday, February 10, 2006


So you're bored at work, like me.

Things not to do when you're bored at work:
1) Eat. If you eat when you're bored at work you'll never stop eating. Aside from the obvious side effect of getting fat, this also removes all the joy from eating when you're home and actually can eat good food, not just the pastries leftover from morning meetings that are kind of gross anyway.
2) Go on craigslist and read personals. Especially when you're not even looking to date someone. Actually, no, I take that back--don't look at craigslist personals, period. Or the "best of craigslist" page. Because while it can be funny, and personals can be entertaining in their absurdity, it is ultimately depressing to read about the lives of disgruntled unhappy bored people who want sex.
4) Think about how bored you are. This only exacerbates the problem.
5) Think about life. Thinking about life always goes in a bad direction when you're sitting in an office, as opposed to sitting on, say, a beach of a tropical island.

Things to do when you're bored at work:
1) Open a bunch of files on your desk to make it look like you're doing important work while actually you're posting on your blog.
2) Do sudoku puzzles.
3) Read the newspaper.
4) Do your taxes online.
5) Read a great work of literature that you usually wouldn't have the patience for.
6) Email your friends at work in other cities far away and make pretend dinner plans.

And some things that can be good or bad, depending:
1) Shopping online. Can be fun but ultimately problematic if you a) have no money and/or b) buy stuff anyway.
2) Looking for other jobs on craigslist. Can be neccessary, but if not neccessary, ultimately depressing, and can lead to looking at other things on craigslist.
3) Drinking coffee. Better than eating because I don't believe one can get fat off a diet of coffee, tea, soup, gatorade, and champagne (a diet plan I will explain at a later time). But can be problematic because it gets you all hyped up to do. . . nothing. And it can also spoil vanilla lattes because then they remind you of work.
4) Update your facebook profile. While an update is good now and then, I wouldn't want people to realize how much time I actually do spend on the facebook.
